Charlottenburg Palace
Charlottenburg Palace
(Foto: SPSG/Fotograf: Jens Rosenow)
Charlottenburg Palace – Old Palace
Prussia’s Magnificence in a Single Ensemble
Charlottenburg Palace is – with the Old Palace and the New Wing – the largest and most significant palace complex in Berlin stemming from the former Brandenburg electors, Prussian kings and German emperors. It was among the favorite retreats of seven generations of Hohenzollern rulers, who repeatedly redesigned individual rooms with luxurious interior décor while also having sections of the gardens transformed into royal grandeur.
Today, the shifting tastes of the palace’s many residents and the changing requirements for ceremonial and private use can be traced from the Baroque period to the early 20th century. Following severe damage in World War II, the palace was largely rebuilt and refurnished. The former summer residence is now one of the most important attractions in the German capital.
The palace offers interiors and halls whose arrangements are faithful to the originals, impressive suites and exceptional art collections of outstanding masterpieces. The Porcelain Cabinet, the Palace Chapel ans the bedchamber of Frederick I are among the highlights of the magnificent Baroque parade apartments in the Old Palace that had been built in 1700 with its crowning towers. This construction of the central structure of the large palace complex was commissioned by the clever and art-loving Queen Sophia Charlotte and her husband Frederick I.
Certified in the period
March 2023 - February 2026
Barrier-free information
All areas relevant for testing meet the quality criteria of the label "Accessibility certified - partially accessible for people with walking disabilities and partially accessible for wheelchair users".
- There are three marked parking spaces for people with disabilities in the area „Kavalierflügel“ / „Altes Schloss“ (parking space size: 250 cm x 650 cm).
- There are two marked parking spaces for people with disabilities in the area „Theaterbau“ (parking space size: 345 cm x 500 cm).
- Nearby are the bus stops „Schloss Charlottenburg“, „Luisenplatz/Schloss Charlottenburg“ und „Klausnerplatz“.
„Alte Schloss“ (Old Palace)
- The „Alte Schloss“ is steplessly accessible via
the side entrance and a ramp. - The exhibition of the "Old Castle" on the ground floor are steplessly
- The ramp has a maximum gradient of 15 % and a total length of 1,80 m.
- Almost all doors/passages on the tour that can be used by the guest and are raised are at least 90 cm wide. Exceptions: The circular walkway from the castle chapel (76 cm) to the exit door (81 cm) has narrower passage widths.
- Exception: Exit Door is 81 cm wide.
- The cash desk is at its lowest point 95 cm high.
- The coat desk is at its lowest point 88 cm high.
- The exhibits are predominately visible when seated.
- The information on the exhibits is predominately readable when seated.
- The information on the exhibits is predominately readable when seated.
- Aids offered: museum stool, multimedia guide in several languages.
- Guided tours for people with walking disabilities and wheelchair users are available upon request. Advance reservation is necessary.
„Neuer Flügel“ (New Wing)
- The „New Wing“ is steplessly accessibl.
- All evaluated rooms and facilities available to the guests are steplessly accessible or via an elevator.
- The elevator cabin measures 136 cm x 182 cm. The elevator door is 90 cm wide.
- All evaluated passageways/doors available to the guests are at least 83 cm wide.
- The cash desk and the coat desk is at its lowest point 95 cm high.
- The exhibits are predominately visible when seated.
- The information on the exhibits is predominately readable when seated.
- Aids offered: museum stool, multimedia guide in several languages.
- Guided tours for people with walking disabilities and wheelchair users are available upon request. Advance reservation is necessary.
„Neuer Pavillon“ (New Pavillon)
- The building is steplessly accessible via an inclined platform lift.
- The upper floor is only accessible via 25 steps of 17 cm.
- The platform of the wheelchair lift is 109 cm x 175 cm.
- All evaluated passageways/doors available to the guests are at least 89 cm wide.
- The cash desk and the coat desk is at its lowest point 99 cm high.
- The exhibits are predominately visible when seated.
- The information on the exhibits is predominately readable when seated.
- The information on the exhibits is predominately readable when seated.
- Guided tours for people with walking impairments and wheelchair users are offered on request. A reservation in advance is necessary.
„Barrier-Free Tour: Schlosspark“ (castle park)
- External paths are
at least WERT m wide
and in most cases easy to walk on and drive on
and have a maximum longitudinal gradient of up to 6 % (Exception: outside entrance Schlossbrücke with a maximum longitudinal inclination of up to 9 % per 3 m). - There is seating available.
- The information (information boards) is not predominately readable when seated.
- Guided tours for people with walking impairments and wheelchair users are offered on request. A reservation in advance is necessary.
Public toilet for people with disabilities (Old Palace)
- The toilet is accessed via the castle chapel (76 cm) or alternatively via the exit door (81 cm).
- The doors are at least 90 cm wide.
- The manoeuvring spaces are:
in front of/behind the door at least 127 cm x 150 cm;
in front of the toilet 150 cm x 130 cm;
in front of the washbasin 150 cm x 147 cm;
left and reight of the toilet 90 cm x 70 cm. - There are grab rails available on the right and left of the toilet. The grab rails can be flipped-up.
- The sink is wheelchair compatible.
- The mirror can be seen while standing or sitting.
- An alarm trigger is available.
Public toilet for people with disabilities (New Wing)
- The door is at least 95 cm wide.
- The manoeuvring spaces are:
in front of the washbasin 145 cm x 145 cm;
in front of the toilet 150 cm x 150 cm;
to the left of the toilet 39 cm x 70 cm and
to the right of the toilet 110 cm x 70 cm. - The washbasin is accessible from underneath at a height of 67 cm and a depth of less than 30 cm.
- The mirror can be seen while sitting or standing.
Evaluation report: Download as PDF
Some information on accessibility are listed below. For detailed information please see the evaluation report.
„Alte Schloss“ (Old Palace)
- There is no clearly visible alarm.
- There is no audio induction loop system.
- The information on the exhibits is predominately provided in writing.
- There are no guided tours available for people with hearing impairment and deaf people.
- Offered aids: Multimedia guides
„Neuer Flügel“ (New Wing)
- There is no clearly visible alarm.
- There is no audio induction loop system.
- An outgoing emergency call in the elevator is confirmed audibly.
- The information on the exhibits is predominately provided in writing.
- There are no guided tours available for people with hearing impairment and deaf people.
- Offered aids: Multimedia guides
„Neuer Pavillon“ (New Pavillon)
- There is no clearly visible alarm.
- There is no audio induction loop system.
- The information on the exhibits is predominately provided in writing.
- There are no guided tours available for people with hearing impairment and deaf people.
- Offered aids: Multimedia guides in German sign language
„Barrier-Free Tour“ (Schlosspark)
- The information (information boards) on the exhibits is provided in writing.
- There are no guided tours available for people with hearing impairment and deaf people.
Evaluation report: Download as PDF
All areas relevant for testing meet the quality criteria of the label "Accessibility certified - partially accessible for people with visual impairments and partially accessible for blind people".
Some information on accessibility are listed below. For detailed information please see the evaluation report.
„Alte Schloss“ (Old Palace)
- Assistance dogs are allowed in relevant areas/rooms.
- The entrances are not visually rich in contrast, but not recognizable by a tactile change of floor covering.
- The evaluated areas that can be used by the guest are predominantly well lit, i.e. bright and glare-free.
- There are no visually contrasting or tactilely detectable floor indicators available.
- The signage is designed in clearly legible and contrasting font.
- The information on the exhibits provided in writing and is visually rich in contrast.
- Technical possibilities of information for people with visual impairments/blind people: Audioguides
- Guided tours for people with visual impairments and blind people are offered. A reservation in advance is necessary.
- Tactilely detectable exhibits are integrated in the guided tour.
- An audio guide is available which can be operated independently by people with visual impairments / blind people.
- Information is not available in Braille or prismatic font.
- The website describes a "Route through the Schloss-garten Charlottenburg for blind and visually impaired visitors" (
„Neuer Flügel“ (New Wing)
- Assistance dogs are allowed in relevant areas/rooms.
- The entrances are not visually rich in contrast, but not recognizable by a tactile change of floor covering.
- The evaluated areas that can be used by the guest are predominantly well lit, i.e. bright and glare-free.
- There are no visually contrasting or tactilely detectable floor indicators available.
- The signage is designed in clearly legible and contrasting font.
- An outgoing emergency call in the elevator is confirmed audibly.
- The break position is announced by spoken commands.
- The operating controls are visually rich in contrast and tactilely detectable.
- Alternatively stairs are available.
- Steps are not visually rich in contrast.
- The information on the exhibits provided in writing and is visually rich in contrast.
- Technical possibilities of information for people with visual impairments/blind people: Audioguides
- Guided tours for people with visual impairments and blind people are offered. A reservation in advance is necessary.
- Tactilely detectable exhibits are integrated in the guided tour.
- An audio guide is available which can be operated independently by people with visual impairments / blind people.
- Information is not available in Braille or prismatic font.
- The website describes a "Route through the Schloss-garten Charlottenburg for blind and visually impaired visitors" (
„Neuer Pavillon“ (New Pavillon)
- Assistance dogs are allowed in relevant areas/rooms.
- The entrances are visually rich in contrast and recognizable by a tactile change of floor covering.
- The evaluated areas that can be used by the guest are predominantly well lit, i.e. bright and glare-free.
- There are no visually contrasting or tactilely detectable floor indicators available.
- The information on the exhibits provided in writing and is not visually rich in contrast.
- Technical possibilities of information for people with visual impairments/blind people: Audioguides
- Guided tours for people with visual impairments and blind people are offered. A reservation in advance is necessary.
- Tactilely detectable exhibits are integrated in the guided tour.
- An audio guide is available which can be operated independently by people with visual impairments / blind people.
- Information is not available in Braille or prismatic font.
- The website describes a "Route through the Schloss-garten Charlottenburg for blind and visually impaired visitors" (
„Barrier-Free Tour“ (Schlosspark)
- Assistance dogs are allowed in relevant areas/rooms.
- There are no visually contrasting or tactilely detectable floor indicators available.
- Guided tours for people with visual impairments and blind people are offered. A reservation in advance is necessary.
- Information is not available in Braille or prismatic font.
- The website describes a "Route through the Schloss-garten Charlottenburg for blind and visually impaired visitors" (
Evaluation report: Download as PDF
Some information on accessibility are listed below. For detailed information please see the evaluation report.
„Alte Schloss“ (Old Palace)
- The name of the area is not clearly recognizable from the outside.
- There is no colored or pictorial guidance system available.
- Information for orientation is partly available
with pictorial symbols (pictograms, photorealistic representation). - Guided tours for people with cognitive impairments are offered. . A reservation in advance is necessary.
- There is information in easy language.
„Neuer Flügel“ (New Wing)
- The name of the area is not clearly recognizable from the outside.
- There is no colored or pictorial guidance system available.
- Information for orientation is partly available
with pictorial symbols (pictograms, photorealistic representation). - Guided tours for people with cognitive impairments are offered. . A reservation in advance is necessary.
- There is information in easy language.
„Neuer Pavillon“ (New Pavillon)
- The name of the area is not clearly recognizable from the outside.
- There is no colored or pictorial guidance system available.
- Guided tours for people with cognitive impairments are offered. . A reservation in advance is necessary.
- There is information in easy language.
„Barrier-Free Tour“ (Schlosspark)
- There is no colored or pictorial guidance system available.
- The objectives of the paths are not always within sight or signs in visible distance are not available.
- There is no colored or pictorial guidance system available.
- Guided tours for people with cognitive impairments are offered. . A reservation in advance is necessary.
- There are no guided tours available for people with cognitive impairments.
- The guided tour for people with cognitive impairments is given using easy language.
- There is information in easy language.
Evaluation report: Download as PDF