
19. June 2024

Press release: Gold for the GNTB’s campaign installation in London at the German Brand Award 2024

Frankfurt am Main, 14 June 2024 - The German Design Council has awarded the German Brand Award 2024 in Gold in the category "Brand Communication - Ambient Media & Outdoor Advertising" to the 3D animation of Caspar David Friedrich's "Wanderer above the Sea of Fog" initiated by the German National Tourist Board (GNTB). The GNTB London used the 3D video to promote Germany as a cultural travel destination on Europe's largest digital advertising space in London's Piccadilly Circus. The installation reached more than 11.6 million people within two weeks. The jury also honoured other campaigns submitted by the GNTB in various categories of the "Excellence in Brand Strategy and Creation" discipline with a total of four "Winner Awards" and two "Special Mentions".

Petra Hedorfer, CEO of the GNTB, commented: "Receiving seven of these prestigious awards from the expert jury is an impressive acknowledgement of the innovative strength and quality craftsmanship of our teams' brand work for Destination Germany. Especially in times of extraordinarily dynamic changes in global tourism, eye-catching and carefully crafted campaigns shape the positive mindset of our potential customers and make an effective contribution to the success of Destination Germany in the competition between destinations."

The global GNTB campaign "51 UNESCO World Heritage Sites" is the "Winner" in the categories Digital Campaigns and Influencer Marketing. It also received a "Special Mention" in the category "Lighthouse Project of the Year".

A key component of the GNTB's sustainability strategy is the extension of the duration of stay, which it is promoting with the "Stay a little bit longer" initiative. This global campaign will be recognised as a winner in the "Brand Communication - Social Media" category in 2024. The GNTB Copenhagen addressed the potential for long-term stays with the market-specific "Workation" campaign, which was recognised in the Digital Campaigns category and also received a Special Mention as "Lighthouse Project of the Year".

The German Brand Award of the German Design Council is the marketing award with the widest reach in the German-speaking world. The discipline "Excellent Brands" honours the best product and corporate brands in an industry. "Excellence in Brand Strategy and Creation" awards the strongest campaigns, concepts and strategies in individual specialist disciplines.

In both disciplines, the jury generally honours one "Gold" award winner per category for outstanding achievements within an industry or discipline. The jury also awards an appropriate number of "Winner" awards per category. The jury awards a "Special Mention" for special aspects of brand management.

