Business Intelligence

Our mission is to support inbound-related business decisions with highly relevant analytics.

We review, analyse and integrate data, identify early signals, and share these with our partners and companies involved in the German tourism industry, through our communication channels. We rely on market research sources that help us to understand tourists in our source markets even better. We ensure proximity to the market by analysing and condensing digitally collected BI data sources with a high number of cases and short lead times.

Facts and Figures ...


Inbound Travel Trends Germany Dashboard

We report recurring, highly decision-relevant data to our partners, via a visual analytics platform.

We use holistic, inbound travel-related data sources, which we condense and connect to enable a quick and efficient overview of market changes.

View Dashboard*

* for registered GNTB members only

Brochures Figures, Data, Facts

We provide information on the key trends of inbound tourism to Germany on an annual basis.

We provide information on worldwide travel trends as well as on our European and overseas source markets, on the trends in holiday and business travel, as well as the image perception of Germany as a travel destination.

Market Information

Providing for 27 source markets, we report relevant facts related to inbound tourism in a two-page document for each source market.

Matthias Hickl
Director Business Intelligence

Phone+49 (0)69 97464-114