Cities & Culture

Climate House Bremerhaven

The Climate House Bremerhaven sends its visitors on a journey through the world's climate zones, makes extreme weather tangible, explains climate change and provides tips for climate protection.

Impressive spatial experiences await in the Klimahaus thanks to multimedia installations, interactive exhibits, aquariums and much more. The “journey” takes you from the Swiss mountains through the desert of the Sahel and the pack ice of the Antarctic, along the South Sea beach of Samoa and back to the North Sea coast. Along the way, locals report on how their lives and the prevailing climate influence each other.

The show “Perspectives” traces climate change throughout the history of the earth: From its natural causes to man-made climate change and its possible future. Here, visitors can also gain key insights and experience the effects on the regions of the world.

In the World Future Lab, visitors can get creative themselves. The entire area is designed as a game that can be played in groups or individually. Every game decision has an impact on the global climate.

Opening hours: daily from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., closed only on New Year's Day, Christmas Day and New Year's Eve.

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