Natural beauty awaits visitors on the island of Rügen. The chalk cliffs on Rügen's Jasmund peninsula were enough to inspire painter Caspar David Friedrich around 200 years ago.

The chalk cliffs reaching heights of up to 117 metres are one of the main attractions of this national park in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, which is also home to the ancient beech forests dating back over 700 years that stand on the Stubnitz plateau and are protected by UNESCO. The Jasmund provides a habitat for many a species. Protected orchid varieties, such as the lady's slipper, bloom in the meadows, around 1,000 types of bugs scuttle around in the vast green areas and white-tailed eagles can sometimes be spotted circling in the sky. Visitors can explore the natural surroundings on foot with the "Hochufer" hiking trail spanning several kilometres and leading straight to the impressive rugged coastline. Above the most famous chalk cliff, the Königsstuhl, the suspended skywalk has been offering guests a fascinating view of white rocks, green forests and blue sea since 2023.

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