2024 Q2 - Business Climate for international Travel Trade to Germany continues uptrend in the second quarter of 2024

More than half of CEOs and buyers rate their business in Germany positively.

In the GNTB expert panel, the continuous monitoring of the business climate for international Travel Trade to Germany is a key topic. More than half (58.7%) of international CEOs and buyers rate their current business situation in Germany positively, marking a 7.3 percentage point increase from Q1-2024. In contrast, 6.1% rate their current business situation in Germany negatively.

For the next six months, nearly two-thirds (64.3%) have positive business expectations, although this represents a slight decrease of 4.2 percentage points from the previous survey. Overall, the GNTB Incoming Business Climate index has improved to 58 points in Q2-2024. This reflects the highest level the Business Climate index has reached since the surveys began in Q1-2022.

This information graphic shows facts and figures about the Business Climate for international Travel Trade in Germany.

The GNTB Industry Expert Panel aims at collecting and providing industry sentiment on inbound tourism to Germany. It provides insights into current and future market assessments by international CEOs and Key Accounts from over 40 countries, visitors’ demand pattern as well current trends and future developments in travel and tourism.