Global Trade Corner
Mastercard Europe SA
Mastercard® helps drive growth in tourism by understanding the travel journey
Recognize the value of data and use it as an opportunity! Mastercard is an international payments technology company. Our goal is to drive an inclusive, digital economy that benefits all stakeholders worldwide. That's why we make sure payments are secure, simple, smart, and accessible to everyone. Our innovations and solutions are based on secure data and networks that, among other things, also help to drive forward sustainable tourism.
Understanding the dynamics of travel spending and harnessing the insights Tourism is considered an important growth driver and also contributes significantly to income, employment and regional development in Germany. Yet travel destinations around the world face significant challenges when it comes to increasing tourism revenues - achieving growing tourist appeal, being competitive with other destinations, and maximizing the ROI of marketing spend. Mastercard has worked closely with the tourism industry for many years, helping destinations around the world develop the right tourism strategies with tailored products and solutions. In doing so, aggregated, anonymized spend data from Mastercard can help provide key insights and identify trends early on. In its Tourism Innovation Hub, Mastercard specifically promotes innovation in the travel industry and builds new partnerships that help advance sustainable tourism for the future. Where travelers spend their money can vary by origin, season, customer segment, length of stay and numerous other factors. With targeted analytics, Mastercard Advisors helps provide accurate and timely insights into how travelers spend money at their destination. For example, it is possible to determine how travel spending changes over time and which countries tourists come from. These insights can then be used to identify the right incentives to retain customers and improve the visitor's travel experience. This can help win new market share, increase revenue and increase tourism's share of the economy. Small local businesses also benefit from growth in this way.
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